Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Scientific Drawing

I went about the project with confusion. It was difficult to think about what would really be different and abstract me with this project. I came up with a few ideas at first and I didn't really like any of them but drawing a different form of biotechnology and then an idea of a galaxy being within an eyeball. I was pretty set on doing the eyeball, but I was struggling with the eyelashes. So I sketched out an idea for the biotechnology theme and I sort of liked the way it looked on the paper. So I went with that idea. I was contemplating the idea of playing it safe or trying something different. Mrs. Rossi told me to try something new so I decided on the pen and ink style. My final sketch was okayish. I tried different pen and ink styles on it and finally decided to stippling on the pot and hatching on the leaves. Once I was done I made a few touch ups on the value and finally, I got my final product.

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